Collect authentic Stories by sharing CauseCircle with your community

The CauseCircle Toolkit provides ready-to-use templates for emails, social posts, and posters to distribute CauseCircle and inspire compelling stories. Encourage your supporters, beneficiaries and donors to share:

  • Previous experiences working with your nonprofit — showcasing the change they’ve helped create.
  • Personal stories of how your nonprofit has touched their lives or community.
  • Highlights from your fundraisers, events, and campaigns — building momentum and driving awareness.
Collect authentic Stories by sharing CauseCircle with your community

Distributing CauseCircle in your Community

How to Promote Your Events, Campaigns and Fundraisers through CauseCircle

Getting Stories in the Moment: A Checklist

Ensure your supporters are capturing everyday-content in the moment. Leverage this checklist to guide supporters in creating stories for fundraising, awareness, and outreach daily.


Pre-Event Checklist

Get your event ready for success with a checklist that prepares volunteers to capture and share great stories.


During-Event Checklist

Boost engagement with a checklist guiding volunteers to capture impactful, real-time stories during your event.


Post-Event Checklist

Keep the momentum alive with a checklist that helps volunteers share stories and engage audiences afterward.


Toolkit Assets

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