Progress! UK’s Largest Supermarket Chain Commits to Banning the Cruelest Shrimp Farming Practices
Together, we did it! After a Mercy For Animals campaign—the world’s first for shrimp welfare—and pressure from animal advocates around the world, Tesco pledged to ban two of the cruelest shrimp-farming practices from their supply chain: eyestalk ablation and ice-slurry stunning. Once implemented, the company’s policy will reduce suffering for about five billion animals each year.
Eyestalk ablation: In the shrimp industry, females used for breeding commonly have their eyes cut off to stimulate egg production unnaturally. The practice involves damaging hormonal glands behind the animals’ eyes that control reproductive timing. The industry uses it to drive profits by forcing shrimp to reproduce faster.
Ice-slurry stunning: Many industry facilities use ice slurry, a mixture of ice and water, to stun shrimp before slaughter. Widely considered ineffective and cruel, the method can cause prolonged suffering. Many animals are crushed to death or slowly suffocate.
Tesco now says they will eliminate eyestalk ablation from their supply chain and switch from ice slurry to less cruel electrical stunning.
Tesco is the UK’s largest retailer, and the company’s commitment to eliminating these atrocious practices is a major step in the right direction for aquatic animals exploited in farms. This incredible progress would not have been possible without compassionate animal advocates who spoke out.
Nearly 7,000 people from around the world signed Mercy For Animals’ petition calling on Tesco to do better for shrimp. Many also came together for a powerful in-person demonstration in London, and thousands of others shared Mercy For Animals’ social posts with friends and family, helping raise awareness about what happens to shrimp raised for food.
Thanks to everyone who took action in this one-of-a-kind campaign! Tesco’s new shrimp welfare commitment is not just a milestone for animal protection but proof of the powerful impact we can have when we come together and speak out against cruelty.
We are one step closer to a world where all animals are respected, protected, and free. But there is still much more work to do. With your support, Mercy For Animals can continue to hold companies accountable, release undercover investigations exposing animal cruelty, and help raise awareness about what animals endure in our food system. Donate any amount now to help Mercy For Animals achieve more milestones like this.
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