More Content.

More Awareness.

More Donations.

A unified website solution for nonprofits.

  • Develop a unified digital strategy to boost SEO, reduce costs, and ensure consistent branding.
  • Use our mobile app for staff to easily update web content and create stories on the go.
  • Attract new website traffic with personalized story based content and drive donations.
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Join impact-driving leaders who are amplifying their content and cause

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More Content.

Capture and cultivate currently unattainable local content.

Share Stories & Web Updates with a Mobile App

  • Empower users to capture and share stories in the moment with a mobile app specific to your Nonprofit. 
  • Edit and manage website updates directly through the mobile app. 

Share Stories & Web Updates with a Mobile App

  • Empower users to capture and share stories in the moment with a mobile app specific to your Nonprofit. 
  • Edit and manage website updates directly through the mobile app. 

National Brand Control, Local Autonomy

  • Ensure consistent messaging and brand control from national to local levels.
  • Easily map content for local chapters, ensuring a unified message with fallback to national content.
  • Advanced user management, audit trails, and version management to ensure organization compliance.
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More Awareness.

Amplify content created through the local level to the national level.

A Website Media Hub

  • Transform your nonprofit’s website into a central hub for content consistency and engagement.
  • Submit, share and syndicate regional stories with Instagram-like ease.
  • Highlight upcoming events to drive additional volunteers and donations.

A Website Media Hub

  • Transform your nonprofit’s website into a central hub for content consistency and engagement.
  • Submit, share and syndicate regional stories with Instagram-like ease.
  • Highlight upcoming events to drive additional volunteers and donations.

Secure and Easy Integrations

  • Incorporate popular nonprofit subsystems and technologies spanning your organization.
  • Integrated security, hosting, and scaling CMS with no extra IT resources needed.
  • Simplify corporate access with Single Sign-On with Google, Microsoft and Okta accounts.
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More Donations.

Drive new and recurring donations with increased web traffic from content.

Scalable & Future Proof Platform

  • Correctly attribute regional contributions with advanced donation-sourcing analytics.
  • Integrate seamlessly with all major donation platforms.
  • Easily add new regional chapters, landing pages, and event pages to expand nonprofit online presence.

Scalable & Future Proof Platform

  • Correctly attribute regional contributions with advanced donation-sourcing analytics.
  • Integrate seamlessly with all major donation platforms.
  • Easily add new regional chapters, landing pages, and event pages to expand nonprofit online presence.

Maximize Donation Potential

  • Increased website traffic with CauseCircle creates a flywheel for more volunteers and more donations.
  • Location and behavior-based personalized content per user to enable unique experiences for increasing donations.
  • Increase website load time speeds to decrease drop-off from donor page abandonment.
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Learn more about how to help your cause grow.

We understand your cause, your staff, and your community has unique needs.
Discover powerful features like easy mobile content creation, seamless donation integration, and tailored user management. 
Talk to our team to learn how CauseCircle can help grow your organization.